How to leverage Intent Data to drive revenue

Questions and reviews were the only ways businesses could learn about their customers’ motivations and actions before the rise of the internet, social media, and websites. Businesses were at a loss until they heard from their target demographic. This created problems with product creation, customer service, and revenue generation. But now we don’t have to rely on them for information or seek help as much as we used to. You can find anything on the internet.

For this article, “intent data” refers to information gleaned via observing the actions of individuals, groups, and institutions. It’s data used to make predictions. Thus, it goes by another name: predictive data. Data about people’s intentions may be gleaned from several online sources, including social media, e-commerce sites, and people’s online actions. It may also be gleaned from the routines and tendencies of business and individual decision-makers.

What is the function of intent data?

B2B buyer intent data refers to a compiled collection of metrics indicating a potential customer’s interest in making a purchase of your goods based on their actions. User behavior on a website may be interpreted as an intent signal and used to create a user profile by tracking their page views, clicks, and downloads.

In summary, intent data enables companies to identify customers who are most likely to purchase their product, also known as in-market, so they don’t have to depend only on traditional advertising campaigns and casual outreach.

How many distinct varieties of intent data are there?

First-party, second-party, and third-party information are the three most common kinds.

  • First-Party

First-party data is information gathered directly from website users and other individuals with whom they have established direct contact. Information gleaned from many online sources, such as social media, websites, and email lists, may all be included. The information is crucial for marketers to know how to contact potential customers. Take, for instance, information gleaned from social media platforms like Facebook, Google Contacts, and Instagram.

  • Second-Party

The term “second-party data” refers to information obtained from a source other than the collecting organization. The information may be gathered from many publication platforms and review sites. The sites usually encourage other businesses to exchange information and connections. Other sources, such as Yelp, are known as “second-party data.”

  • Third-Party

Data from several third-party sources is gathered. It may be gathered in several ways, the most frequent of which being reverse IP search, media exchange, bid stream data and widgets, and publishing sites.

Different intents for different people

Online marketers have created various phrases to describe users’ and searchers’ goals during a search, including maritime, informative, commercial, purchase, and customer intent. It’s obvious that intent is in high demand.

  • The reason to go online and look for a certain product may be considered search intent also known as user intent, which is essentially equivalent to searcher intent; there is also keyword intent.
  • In an informative search, the user looks for facts and details about a certain subject.
  • The term “navigational intent” refers to a subset of search intent in which a user inserts navigational query terms into a search engine’s input field rather than a full URL.
  • The term “buyer intent,” which may also refer to “customer intent” or “consumer intent,” describes where a potential customer is in the process of making a purchase.
  • Transactional intent describes a user’s interest in making a purchase. Phrases like “Buy replacement filter” are examples of transactional inquiries.

In the pursuit of a more nuanced knowledge of consumer intent, experts suggest categorizing users in the following ways:

  • The Consumer has a strong intent to purchase since they are looking into the goods online at several retail outlets and on many social media platforms.
  • The Consumer has passive purchasing intent if they are already utilizing a product or service that isn’t meeting their needs but are unaware of any alternatives. Surprisingly, they’d be more inclined to purchase quickly if presented with an alternative if they were made aware of it than someone who already shows a willingness to buy.
  • Awareness intent, the Consumer, is debating the best course of action since they are facing a difficult personal situation that requires a purchase. In the course of their investigation, students may engage in activities like seeing webinars and downloading product information sheets. They are eager to learn about and try new products, companies, and services. They are in a state of receptive learning.

Use of Intent Data in Marketing and Sales

What is the function of intent data? Customers and leads benefit from introducing go-to-market strategies informed by B2B intent data. It helps sales and marketing departments categorize customers to better communicate with the right people. Businesses that don’t use predictive analytics only react to website data after a prospective consumer has already spent weeks attempting to find a solution elsewhere.

Several methods exist for increasing sales using intent data in advertising. Customer information may have far-reaching effects throughout your company if you don’t use it; thus, using it is crucial for survival. You may utilize this data in the following ways to boost sales:

  • It’s important to identify promising prospects early on.
  • Specifically advertising geared for specific accounts.
  • Point’s leader.
  • Editing the content plan to perfection.
  • Understanding and keeping your clientele is a top priority.
  • Directed advertising.

What Uses Can Businesses Make of Intent Data?

You now know what intent data is and the various forms of intent data, so let’s look at how it may be used to boost income. Here are some examples of how you can use intent data to increase sales:

  • If you want to impress anonymous visitors to your website, one good strategy is to tailor their experience to their specific interests. Unless you use Identity Resolution, the people who visit your website remain nameless and faceless to you. Simply knowing someone’s IP address does not allow you to infer anything about them, whether a CEO or a student. Web personalization boosts the chance of a conversion on a particular call to action once you have identified anonymous visitors on your website via Visitor InSites.
  • Targeted Ad Creation marketers may utilize intent data to create advertisements more likely to pique the attention of prospective buyers. Because of this, there is a greater possibility that interested consumers may interact with the ad.
  • Additionally, intent data may assist sales teams in concentrating their attention on the most promising prospects, increasing sales efficiency. It may show which advertisements or pieces of content are most likely to result in a sale, which can help sales staff allocate their time more efficiently.
  • Making content that is tailored to the consumer, if you know what a customer is trying to accomplish, you may tailor your content to meet their needs. You may boost the likelihood of converting browsers into buyers by targeting just those who are interested in your products or services.

Is Intent Data a novel concept?

There is nothing novel about taking a customer’s purchase intent into account; companies of a certain size may already be using actionable intent knowledge in their planning. However, with the development of technology and the increased creation and sharing of data by consumers, marketers can now refine their focus from broad topics to specific keywords.

This allows us to better tailor the timing, relevance, and context of our advertising, particularly account-based ones. By tracking a user’s interest in various information and keywords, intent data may indicate where a certain account is in the purchasing process. In addition to providing a more complete picture than standard profiling or behavioral data, it sheds light on the positive or negative sentiment associated with certain themes.

Seven steps to get the most out of your Intent Data

To get the most out of intent data, we need to reach out to potential customers while they are still in the awareness phase of the buyer’s journey. Intent data may be used most effectively by following these steps:

  • Initially, you must ascertain the nature of the search the potential customer is attempting to do.
  • The second step is to Focus your high-quality writing on answering the prospect’s questions.
  • Third, advertise the content wherever the lead is looking.
  • The fourth step is to examine the starting and ending points of the customer’s trip.
  • Step 5 is to Evaluate all interaction points and set a trigger.
  • Sixth, keep an eye out for potential interaction opportunities.
  • Lastly, maintain contact with the new account’s lead.

In this approach, the potential of intent data may be maximized. It will allow for the scalability of leads and the individual nurturing of each major account.

How to leverage Intent Data to drive sales

Here are a few things to consider maximizing the Potential of Intent Data to Drive Sales as follows:

  • Make use of an outside provider of intent data

Using an intent data provider, you may track the subjects and phrases that accounts are looking for on tens of thousands of websites. This provides your sales staff information about who is possibly seeking a product or service you supply before they even arrive on your website.

  • Recognize potential benefits at the appropriate times

One of the most apparent uses of intent data is tracking potential customers at the beginning of their purchase process. You’ll have a distinct advantage when you can anticipate a customer’s next move and start communicating with them before your competition does. Companies that reach out to potential customers and provide comprehensive product information are more likely to get their business. Engaging customers from the beginning of the decision-making process allows for a more thorough understanding of their needs and expectations.

  • Make sure to personalize your message

With the correct resources and effort, you can determine whether or not your company’s offerings meet a potential customer’s needs. Sales professionals should use the information to contact leads and provide them with material designed to meet their requirements and interests. Rather than sending out generic emails to leads, sales teams may focus their efforts on the accounts most likely to convert by analyzing intent data. Your prospects are likely to notice the difference.

  • Perform a Context Analysis

Salespeople must know about their organization’s personnel changes, new investors, or acquisitions. The weight you give your purpose data might be affected by the information in the news.

  • Enhance advertising and sales efforts

With this information, you may target your sales and marketing efforts more precisely and turn more serious buyers among your leads. Insights derived from intent data are crucial for maximizing marketing returns and avoiding wasted efforts. With the right information at your disposal, you can identify the leads more serious about making a purchase and target them with messages designed to increase their interest and likelihood of making a purchase.

  • First-party anonymous activity monitoring

Site visitors who don’t reveal their identities are also potential customers in the research phase. They are not yet led since they have not filled out a lead-generating form or subscribed to your email list, but they are engaging with your business by visiting your sites and reading your content.

Searching your Google Analytics data can reveal some of these accounts at no cost to you. If you have Google Analytics set up and linked to your site, you must go to the dashboard and look at the Network Report.

Acquiring more information about your intended audience

Intent data is useful for more than just refining your target list; it can also be used to discover fresh possibilities. To expand your client base, you might target “look-alike” customers, businesses in the same industry as your current successful clients. Perhaps you find your niche working with mid-sized healthcare organizations. The intent data might help you find these and other hidden accounts.

Once you’ve identified similar accounts, you may target them with more specific advertising. You may need to run many niche campaigns for healthcare, finance, etc. The tools you employ to find potential look-alikes may need a certain number of accounts or conversions before they may be useful.

Accomplishing business objectives + intent = Financial success

Intent data is key if you want your marketing and sales efforts to have a greater effect, whether you’re conducting demand generation programs or writing sales letters.

A competitive edge may be gained by supplementing your ABM efforts with Intent data to generate more leads, close more deals, and save operational expenses. In addition to saving you time and money, this will speed up the process of reaching your objectives. Now is the time to focus on long-term income rather than short-term gains from incorrect accounts.

What exactly is Intent Data in marketing?

Intent data is a collection of online purchasing signals that may be used to associate a set of prospect accounts with a certain subject. Consumers who show purchase intent via research activities like clicking on a company’s website, reading reviews, or downloading material are likelier to make a purchase.

A low level of purchase intent might be inferred from a prospect account searching for “what is B2B marketing software,” for instance. A search for “top B2B marketing software providers,” on the other hand, suggests a corporation with a moderate to a strong desire to buy. In marketing, there are two kinds of purpose information:

  • Consumers’ actions and reactions to your content and brand are examples of first-party behavioral data.
  • Information gathered from sources outside your company, such as how your leads interacted with the content and brands of competitors.

Lead nurturing and scoring may be improved by receiving real-time notifications when potential customers interact with information related to your company. 

Reasons why Intent Data will drive B2B sales and marketing in the near future

Any marketer or salesperson trying to improve their success rate or go ahead in their field should prioritize learning as much as possible about consumers’ intent. Knowing what motivates customers to purchase and when gives firms a competitive advantage. With this information in hand, marketing and sales teams may zero in on a single profile and tailor their approach to that individual on the fly, increasing the possibility that they will make a purchase.

Businesses may better target consumers who are “ready to purchase” because of the large number of aggregated intent signals. Because they indicate trends, Intent Data may be utilized for future prospecting to influence prospects’ buying choices throughout the buyer journey.

Consider these four ways your ABM approach might profit from relationship data

  • Prioritize accounts that include past and potential new consumers. In particular, if they have just recently started working for the firm and are consequently in the market for new equipment and services, you might consider hiring them.
  • It’s simpler to upsell or cross-sell to devoted customers. Adding complementary offerings with greater margins to your core business model may significantly increase your bottom line. Returning consumers often spend 67% more than first-time buyers.
  • Reduce up-front expenses for acquiring new customers. The expenses of maintaining a relationship with a consumer who has already purchased from you are far lower than the costs of finding a new customer.
  • Time-series data on relationships become more valuable as time passes. A complete picture of who the customer is emerging as a result. And it lets you fine-tune your service in a way that ultimately benefits your customers and earns their undying devotion.


The key is to use the data appropriately, whether it comes from external sources, internal sources, or a mix of both. Intent data may be useful for B2B marketing and sales teams, but only if users are aware of and work within the constraints of each available method. With just a little bit of planning, some well-defined goals, and the strategic use of your newly acquired information, you may get access to previously unavailable data. The use of services makes the process even less complicated and more hassle-free.